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Ode to Joy

Ode to Joy


india ink, acrylic and pencil on bristol board

In Private Collection

This is Joy. She's mostly blind. She was in a high kill shelter and very ill with what is usually a fatal disease and this fantastic woman who runs a cat sanctuary pulled her out hours before she was to be put down. When I first saw Joy's picture she was in a box holding on to a teddy bear. I fell in love with her. I painted this for's where I hope she will be very soon...healthy...with her teddy bear in a warm, safe and soft bed in her forever home.

P.S. Joy was taken care of medically, fostered, and with the love of so many people and with her own strong spirit she pulled through and has been adopted into a home with other kitties and is loved and happy and healthy and gets to sleep on a lovely bed with a pretty quilt snuggled up next to her teddy bear best friend in her forever home.

My dream came true for her.